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[ --/--/-- --:-- ] スポンサー広告 | TB(-) | CM(-)


1 ◆V3/DONjiko @変態仮面V3φφ ★ [henkame@2chv.net ]:2010/10/01(金) 20:30:31 0


No, we don't finish every game we review.
That'd be too impossible for words. But gamers still demand reviews within only
a few days of any given big release, so if journalists abide by Square-Enix's p
lea, the fans are gonna be annoyed.

This is in regards to the PC version but we imagine Square-Enix would ask the sa
me of those reviewing the PS3 version (when it arrives)
: according to one source, the publisher has been delivering review code with th
e following caveat: they don't want reviews to be posted until "three to four we
eks post launch." You can write up some impressions before that time but they ob
viously don't believe you'd see enough to do an accurate review after only a few
days. Square-Enix describes this as a "polite request" and it's designed "to gi
ve the online game time to mature." This is one of those times where it may not
matter, though, as MMORPG fans have probably decided for or against a purchase a
lready. Then again, if you happen to be on the fence, you may have to wait a bit
before you get any critic feedback. Perhaps such a suggestion would've been hel
pful for FFXIII...if you don't play for a while,
you're going to miss a huge transition in gameplay,
not to mention the development of the story.

But what do you think? Do we need a few weeks to get a firm hold of FFXIV,
even though the controls, graphics, sound, and other score-able factors obvious
ly won't change after the first hour...?


[ 2010/10/03 11:07 ] 2ch | TB(0) | CM(0)